Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Golden Age: The '90s

Last week, I found myself thinking of old-school Nickelodeon and its awesome TV shows.  I searched "Hey, Arnold!" on DirecTV, and--what do you know--I got results!  I remember trying before and coming up empty.  Anyway, I was really excited; I've been watching everyone's favorite football head, along with everyone's favorite (human) babies (Rugrats, not Muppet Babies).

It gets even better.  Stick Stickly is returning.  YES.  You read that correctly.  I busted out my awesome Stick Stickly T-shirt (it's really more like a nightgown) and took a couple pictures.
I am one stylin' '90s kid.

Back in the day, my cousins and I wrote letters to Stick Stickly (and Alissa and I still remember his address.  Allie might, too).

Stick Stickly PO Box 963
New York City, NY State

+10 cool points if you remember it, too.

Allie, Alissa, and I painstakingly penciled letters to our beloved icon and intended to seal Edison pins in the envelopes with our love notes.  (My uncle works for the company.)  Ah, good times.  I don't know if we ever actually stamped and mailed them, though.

So!  Back to Hey, Arnold!  The information for one of tonight's episodes made a grave error.  Try to spot it:
MIRIAM does not spend time with her father.  HELGA does.  Any '90s chick worth her salt would know this!

(Note to Alissa: Remember Brainy AKA Cantino and how he teamed up with Mr. Lee in our cracked out, awesomely weird stories??  Shake it, fast~!)

What are some of your favorite childhood memories?


  1. I wrote to stick stickly soooo many times!

    1. Hehe, awesome! Those were fun times. I hope if/ when I have kids to introduce them to some of these shows; they seem to trump a lot of today's, but that could be my nostalgia talking. :)

    2. No, I really don't think its your nostalgia talking lol. When I have kids i'll do the same! They wont know about the current shows in their time just the ones I've grown up with lol. :)

  2. Interestingly enough- Shake it fast came on the radio and all I could think about was Brainy :D
