Saturday, May 19, 2012

Revenge of the Weirdos?

I always love coming across weird people.  At midnight showings of movies, for example, I've seen things that sound like they came from a movie themselves. For Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith*, my friends and I encountered someone in a full-on Darth Vader costume, and he had his own personal minstrel trailing him, playing the Darth Vader theme song on a guitar.  A common occurrence at midnight showings is for people to blow up beach balls and bounce them up and down the rows of seats.  People cheer; people get hit in the head (I do, like, every time); people get rowdy; and employees come and take away all the balls, kicking out the perpetrators.  I remember one instance in which someone salvaged a deflated ball and tried to repair it with chewing gum.  I have a less fond memory of a time when my high school friends and I were stuck in front of several immature guys.  These guys thought it would be brilliant to blow up and tie a condom like a balloon, and then bat it down the rows.

My brother and I recently discovered Baja Fresh.  I mean, we had heard of it, but neither of us had tried it.  It's actually pretty dang good, and fairly inexpensive.  One day, driving home, one of the two people in the car ahead of us was waving something out the passenger-side window.  Meanwhile, the driver kept sticking his own hand out his window and making weird signs.  Adam and I laughed and wondered what the heck the first guy was holding.  It turned out to be a plastic sword.  We cracked up, and I took some pictures.

Too bad it wasn't a lightsaber.

*It is uncanny that this film was released on May 19, 2005, and that today is May 19, 2012.  This was a coincidence; I am about to search through my DeadJournal (which I kept mostly throughout high school), so I looked up the release date to find my entry so that I can remind myself of other interesting sights that evening.  (That was a mouthful.)

Note: I have completed the search and turned up with nothing significant.  All I did that day was post how sick I was, how heartbreaking the movie was, and how hot Anakin was.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Golden Age: The '90s

Last week, I found myself thinking of old-school Nickelodeon and its awesome TV shows.  I searched "Hey, Arnold!" on DirecTV, and--what do you know--I got results!  I remember trying before and coming up empty.  Anyway, I was really excited; I've been watching everyone's favorite football head, along with everyone's favorite (human) babies (Rugrats, not Muppet Babies).

It gets even better.  Stick Stickly is returning.  YES.  You read that correctly.  I busted out my awesome Stick Stickly T-shirt (it's really more like a nightgown) and took a couple pictures.
I am one stylin' '90s kid.

Back in the day, my cousins and I wrote letters to Stick Stickly (and Alissa and I still remember his address.  Allie might, too).

Stick Stickly PO Box 963
New York City, NY State

+10 cool points if you remember it, too.

Allie, Alissa, and I painstakingly penciled letters to our beloved icon and intended to seal Edison pins in the envelopes with our love notes.  (My uncle works for the company.)  Ah, good times.  I don't know if we ever actually stamped and mailed them, though.

So!  Back to Hey, Arnold!  The information for one of tonight's episodes made a grave error.  Try to spot it:
MIRIAM does not spend time with her father.  HELGA does.  Any '90s chick worth her salt would know this!

(Note to Alissa: Remember Brainy AKA Cantino and how he teamed up with Mr. Lee in our cracked out, awesomely weird stories??  Shake it, fast~!)

What are some of your favorite childhood memories?

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Bubble-nator

I am a crazy cat lady (we are everywhere).  I have the most gorgeous kitty ever; she's a five-year-old silver tabby with a white tummy, and her name is Annie.  She is insanely smart.  Anyone who has met her will gush over her intelligence.  Among other things, she likes to jump at the light-switches in the hallway to turn off and on the lights; she climbs onto the TV in my mom's bedroom, where she presses the buttons up there and messes with the volume and settings (we have woken up in this house due to the T.V.'s blaring, courtesy of my baby cat); she can fit just about anywhere; and she knows a lot of words.  Those are just a few examples.

One of her favorite words happens to be "bubbles."  She picked up on that term especially quickly.  Whenever she's in hiding, "bubbles" is the word that will get her to come running, and she mews when she sees me holding up a bottle of Miracle Bubbles.  That got me to thinking, "How would she react to a bubble machine?"  I bought one off of Amazon.  She absolutely adores it.  The one I got for her spews out multitudes of bubbles at a fast pace, and I don't doubt she could watch them for hours, still mesmerized.  She hunts them, too (and sometimes my parents' Dachshund joins in.  He's a clodhopper.  Meanwhile, my mom's cat remains apathetic).  We call Annie's machine "The Bubble-nator."

My next topic might be regarding latch-hook rugs, which I love to make (not kits; kits can be boring).  I have photos, too.  Preview: